

Organizational Structure

People and Organizational Structure

Department of Policy and Planning

 This department is in charge of tasks such as overall planning and coordination of research activities at NISE, as well as information collection related to the policy of education for children with disabilities, and coordination and liaison with related ministries and agencies.

 Its responsibilities also include formulating plans for the evaluation of NISE's research activities.

Department of Teacher Training

 This department is responsible for planning teacher training projects conducted by NISE; developing training programs; providing support to enhance qualifications of teachers by creating and providing training contents over the Internet; and offering online accredited courses for teacher certification.

Department of Information and Support

 This department is responsible for collecting, storing, and providing information on special needs education; conducting activities to promote understanding and raise awareness of special needs education; collecting and providing information and documentation on educational materials and educational/assistive devices for special needs education; assessing and using such items, and supporting the persons involved.

 In addition, as support and cooperation for school education, the department provides information to promote awareness and understanding of special needs education and disseminates the results of research to improve special needs education, in cooperation with kindergarten/school principals’ associations and related organizations including special needs education centers. The department regularly provides information and consultation support on special needs education to Japanese educational facilities established overseas as well.

 The department is also responsible for planning and implementing the NISE seminar and seminars promoting special needs education as well as planning and implementing collaborative projects with national associations of parents and so on.

Center for Promoting Education for Persons with Developmental Disabilities

 This Center communicates the latest information on developmental disabilities and national trends to teachers at kindergartens, elementary, lower secondary, upper secondary, and other schools, guardians, and the public at large, through websites and exhibition facilities. It promotes greater public understanding, and disseminates basic knowledge and information pertaining to instruction and support, needed at schools. The Center also works to improve practical instruction abilities related to education for persons with developmental disabilities through efforts including the dissemination of relevant research results on such education, hosting relevant seminars on educational practice, and collaboration with boards of education and other organizations to develop human resources.

Center for Promoting Inclusive Education System

 This Center works toward the promotion of an inclusive education system by carrying out services including "community support projects” implemented through cooperation between NISE and prefectural and municipal boards of education which participate to resolve issues which prefectures and municipalities face; “international projects” that collect the latest information on international trends and foreign countries and carry out research exchange with overseas research institutions; and “information dissemination” employing the Database for Supporting Development of Inclusive Education System (Inclu-DB).

Department of Administration

 This department is responsible for the formulation of NISE's medium-term and annual plans, public relations, personnel affairs, research support, training support, library operation, information system management, budgets and account settlement, facilities management, and support for operations conducted by other departments.


Number of Staff (April 1, 2024)

Executive Staff 2 (2)
Research Staff 38(1)
Administrative 36
Total 76 (3)

( ) shows the number of part-time staff.
These staff are not included in the total.
