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本文 資料2 調査票(英語版)
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資料2 調査票(英語版)
[Survey on education for children with disabilities]
Name of survey Country:  
This survey, as a part of the scientific research subsidy by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports in JAPAN (Research survey on education for children with disabilities in major countries), aims to collect materials on recent special education reform trends in various countries, particularly the actual provisions and support for children with disabilities in places of ordinary education and trends of their improvement.

We would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions. Also, if there are published reference materials relating to these questions, we would be grateful if you could provide us with copies.

I Survey items concerning the central government's special education administration
Survey date:    /    /
Name and official position of person responding to survey:
Official position:  

1. At a national level, what kind of laws and regulations are there relating to the inclusive education of children with dlsabilities?

2. At a national level, how are children with disabilities supported before school age (until entering elememtary school)?
・About the policies:

・About the budgetary provisions:

3. At a national level, how are children with disabilities supported in ordinary schools?
・About the policies:

・About the budgetary provisions:

4. At a national level, how are children with disabilities supported in special schools?
・About the policies:

・About the budgetary provisions:

5. Let us ask about statistics at a national level.
1) Whatis the total number of pupils in compulsory education?
  (         )pupils
2) Among these 1), what is the number and rate of pupils in special school?
  (     )pupils (     )%
3) Among these 1), what is the number and rate of pupils supported by special educational service?
  (     )pupils (     )%
4) What kinds of term or category you use for children with special educational needs?
5) If you have statistics by term or category of children with disabilities or disabillties, please show them to us.
6) If you have statistics about type of placement (special school, special class, etc.)where children with disabilities receive their education, please show them to us.
7) If you have statistics about what type of placement where children receive their education by term or category, please show them to us.

6. If you have published reference materials concerning the following items, please show them to us.
1) Something which simply displays the apportionment of duties within the national, regional and education district special education administration organization
2) Materials written relating to the budgetary side of special needs education
3) Materials showing the teacher education and the in-service training
4) Materials showing the qualification requirements and salaries of teaching staff in special needs education
5) Materials showing the secondary and transition education for pupils with disabilities
6) Materials showing post graduation follow up

II Survey items concerning regional special education administration.
Survey date:    /    /
Name and official position of person responding to survey:
Official position:  

1. At a regional level, what kind of laws and regulations are there relating to the inclusive education of children with disabilities?

2. At regeional level, how are children with disabilities supported before school age (until entering elementary school)?
・Procedures required to receive special educational service:

・About the process of placement decision where the children will receive education:

3. At regional level, how are children with disabilities supported in ordinary schools?
・About the policies:

・About the budgetary provisions:

4. At regional level, how are children with disabilities supported in special schools?
・About the policies:

・About the budgetary provisions:

5. Let us ask about statistics at regional control level
1) Whatis the total number of pupils in compulsory education?
  (      )pupils
2) Among these 1), what is the number and rate of pupils in special school?
  (     )pupils (     )%
3) Among these 1), what is the number and rate of pupils supported by special educational service?
  (     )pupils (     )%
4) What kinds of term or category you use for children with special educational needs?
5) If you have statistics by term or category of children with disabilities or disabilities, please show them to us.
6) If you have statistics about type of placement (special school, special class, etc.) where children with disabilities receive their education, please show them to us.
7) If you have statistics about what type of placement where children receive their education by term or category, please show them to us.

6. If you have published reference materials concerning the following items, please show them to us.
1) Materials showing the outline of regional special needs education
2) Materials showing the procedure required to receive special education service
3) Materials showing budgetary provisions for special education at a regional level

III Survey items concerning school
Survey date:    /    / 2000
Name and official position of person responding to survey:
Official position:  

1. Approximately how many pupils of each type of disability and condition of disability are there?

2.In the case of an ordinary school, please answer the following
1) Let us ask about how children with disabilities are supported in ordinary classes of your school.
a. What type of staff are involved with in the tutoring of children with disabilities (for example, regular teaching staff, support teachers, assistants, volunteers or other specialty grades)?

b. What are the roles of these staff members?

c. How do these staff members practically support children with disabilities?

d. What kind of issues/tasks are there in educating children with disabilities in ordinary classes?

2) Let us ask about other support areas in your school.
a. What kind of other support areas/place are tnere (for example, resource room, special classes etc.)?

b. In these support areas, what type of staff are involved with in the tutoring of children with disabilities (for example, regular teaching staff, support teachers, assistants, volunteers or other specialty grades)?

c. What are the roles of these staff members?

d. How do these staff members practically support children with disabilities?

e. What kind of issues/tasks are there in these support areas?

3.In the case of a special school, please answer the following
a. What type of staff are involved with in the tutoring of children with disabilities (for example, regular teaching staff, support teachers, assistants, volunteers or other specialty grades)?

b. What are the roles of these staff members?

c. How do these staff members practically support children with disabilities?

d. What kind of issues/tasks are there in special school?

e. Whatis the approximate ratio of children to teaching staff (qualified teacher)?

f. What kind of joint activities is there with other ordinary schools?

g. What kind of roles do special schools fulfill relative to ordinary schools?

4.If you have published materials similar to the following, please provide us with them.
1) A school directory (Procpectus)
2) Materials on good practice of your school toward inclusive education
3) Materials on the budgetary provisions for education of children with disabilities in your school

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